Saturday, April 10, 2010


Just my attempt to upload a photo from flickr....

That wasn't as easy as it appears to be. Using images and html like this reminds me that I really don't know everything when it comes to using the reality I know hardly anything!

Within classrooms I believe flickr will be very useful for illustrating presentations and ideas and for collating images together as a class. I know that one of the classes I am going to be taking in my EPL is a year 10 science class that are doing a module on biology. During this module they are focusing on classification and organisms, more specifically going down to the beach and mangroves and taking photos of animals and organisms to then take back and classify. Flickr would be a great platform for them to upload these photos and ask for confirmation that their classification is indeed correct.

This will also help with the donate section of Kearsley and Shneiderman's (1998) Engagement Theory as students are able to participate and contribute to a well known global website.

It is also a good way of letting the students have a place that they can use to show their parents and friends what they have been finding on their outings.

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