Saturday, April 24, 2010


I have used Youtube multiple times within my LEPs for my EPL already so far! I think they are a perfect opportunity to get a "hook" at the beginning of the lesson and include ICTs within the lesson. Many times I've tried to find videos that are actually made by students as I feel that this gives my learners more of a want to engage with the content. By showing them something another learner made, they are more likely to start thinking about their own possible assessment tasks. A lot of the final assessments for the classes I am involved in are expected to have an ICT component to them.

This is an example of a video I am using to review "the cell" with my learners (and yes, I plan on giving extra credit to the first one to name the original song and performer)

I have added this video into a PowerPoint (as discussed in here)

I believe that the use of youtube also helps with the Donate section of Kearsley and Shneiderman's (1998) Engagement Theory.
For students to be able to donate to this global, online collection of videos and know that there is a chance other learners will be shown their work gives them a reason to be more engaging within their assessment.

I also see youtube as a useful teaching tool. For example, asking students to look for 3 videos on a subject and evaluate the information they are presented within each. For students who are visual learners, videos found online would be one of the best teaching tools available. The use of music, words, and images on a screen allows for a range of learning styles to be addressed in one fell swoop.

Personally, I remember from my time at school that a video would usually engage me far more than a teacher talking the whole time.

During my EPL youtube has also been used as a "reward" for good behaviour and a way to break up a class with something funny or interesting to re-engage learners with a subject or with content. I think this is a great use of this ICT as long lessons tend to drag out for learners and they become bored and disengaged with the information.


  1. Hi Chloe

    I've just read over your three latest posts on ICTs in your EPL, YouTube and Google Earth. Wow, definitely Active Learning in action! I agree the tour function of Google Earth is fabulous. I'm hoping to use it to track social movements and important people and ideas in SOSE. I also think that the inclusion of historical imagery in Google Earth and the ability to view the same locations from different points in time (from what I've seen, mostly the last 40-50 years) could also be a useful tool to demonstrate the changing environment and how each environment sub-set is linked.

    I've never used an IPod touch or seen any of the Ipod applications. However, from reading your posting and checking out some of the links, I would like to begin to use this technology. Once again, clear demonstrations of Engagement Theory and Active Learning. From your posting it appears that the use of ICT to engage learners is also paying dividends in classroom management.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas and observations,


  2. Hi Karen,

    Thank you for your comments! I'm glad that I have helped broaden your knowledge of the ICTs available! The inclusion of iPods within the classes really has astounded me.

    The only down side with the use of ICTs as help for classroom management is the ramifications of bad behaviour! In one of my classes a student has actually had his computer rights taken away from him for violation of the school rules regarding internet use. This causes some what of an issue when planning classes as its important to make sure that we always have something else for him to do that is on task but not involving the ICTs!

    Thank you for your comments.


  3. Hi Chloe,

    I have been reading your posts and they are great! It sounds like you are really getting to have a great experience with your EPL and are getting the chance to implement ICT's to your learners. From what you have been designing for your learning experiences, I bet all your students are completely engaged in your courseware. Well done on implementing ICTs into your learning experiences and congratulations on using the strategies of the engagement theory and active learning!
